If someone who has been battling brain cancer for over a decade can find the time and energy to fight for the right to get a North Carolina Marijuana Card, then what excuse do the rest of us have?
After the Senate’s medical marijuana bill, the Compassionate Care Act passed, it appeared to die in the House. David Carter, who has been battling brain cancer for ten years, and his wife Mary took to the halls of the General Assembly to tell their story.
In an article on their visit to lawmakers, Spectrum News 1 noted the clear similarities between the Carters’ actions and the work of military veterans who lobbied state lawmakers for medical marijuana.
Similarly to the veterans, the Carters are advocating for the right to have every option available to them in the fight for their health.
Like the veterans, only time will tell if small-government lawmakers will allow residents to make their own decisions regarding their bodies, or we will find out if our legislators’ definition of freedom is one where they can decide citizens’ personal medical decisions for them.
North Carolina Man Reports Progress in Brain Cancer Fight Thanks to Cannabis
David Carter told Spectrum News 1 that medical marijuana has been a valuable aid in his decade-plus battle with brain cancer.
David told Spectrum that when his cancer made an aggressive return a few years ago, he decided to focus on dietary changes and high doses of full spectrum CBD rather than chemotherapy and other medications.
“As of my last MRI, they reported that whatever (is working), and to me it’s cannabis and cuisine,” David told the news site. “What I’m eating and what cannabis I’m using have helped overall with the cancer not growing any further.”
North Carolina Man Has Waited More Than a Decade for Medical Marijuana
The Carters began researching David’s condition in 2010, but came to the sad realization that one of the best treatment options was unavailable to them.
While the couple wished they could try medical marijuana based on their research, it was illegal in North Carolina at the time, and moving was not a feasible option for them.
“Back then, and still today, medical marijuana is not legal here in North Carolina, but, you know, we couldn’t move because he had young children,” Mary told Spectrum News 1. “He had a job, and we couldn’t just move to Colorado or California, wherever those places where it’s legal.”
As though it weren’t cruel enough to tell someone they weren’t legally allowed to get the medical care they needed, Mary offers a reminder here that it’s even crueler to say they should just go to another state, because not everyone has the means to do that.
Couple Uses Cannabis Know-How to Change Careers and Lives
The Carters have put all of their research and experience to good use, opening two CBD shops, advising other patients on how to use CBD to treat their conditions, and advocating for medical marijuana in general.
David told Spectrum News 1 that his advocacy for medical marijuana and his outreach to other patients just made sense after he saw what cannabis did for him.
“Me, being a cancer fighter and knowing that cannabis has helped me, even the CBD stuff, the basics, they’ve helped me. Knowing that they help people like me and friends I know, why not fight for it?” David said.
He also told the news site that his advocacy work meshes well with his personality, so he saw no reason at all not to dedicate himself to helping other patients use what cannabis products they can and to continue the fight for medical marijuana.
“I do a lot of public speaking anyway because I love training. I love teaching people,” David said. “So it doesn’t bother me to stand in front of people and help them understand my point of view.”
North Carolina House Hasn’t Shown Much Compassion to Suffering Tar Heels
Spectrum News 1 notes that there has been little movement on the Compassionate Care Act in the House and that Speaker Tim Moore has expressed doubt that it will pass in the current short session, which will end on July 8.
The primary concern expressed by conservative lawmakers who have opposed relief for suffering North Carolinians is that medical marijuana could be a slippery slope ending in legal recreational marijuana. But Spectrum notes that people like David aren’t looking to get high, they just wants some relief for their symptoms.
“The tumors themselves have a byproduct of a lot of pain,” David said, “and micro-dosing cannabis in general helps abate the pain, and I’m able to function. I’m still able to have a normal day where I’m not high, I’m just feeling OK. And if that is enabled, I’ll be much happier.”
Still, some lawmakers insist that patients should suffer, so that it will be harder for people without qualifying conditions to get high if they choose to.
Their approach is simply: people should pack up and leave the state if they don’t like the healthcare options here.
If you don’t like it here, don’t expect us to listen to and advocate for you, just leave. Very nice, legislators!
The Carters have chosen to stay and fight, as well as those veterans and many more.
And if they win, the entire state of North Carolina wins.
Join the Fight for Medical Marijuana
If you or someone you know has been longing for relief, let your representatives know. Tell them your story, and why you need the safe, natural relief that only cannabis can provide. Let them know that you’re following the Compassionate Care Act’s progress, and that you’re not pleased with lawmakers' stalling tactics.
Politicians cannot ignore the wishes of 91% of Americans and 72% of North Carolinians forever, and the more people they hear from, the sooner they’ll have to prioritize it.
We are closer now than we ever have been before. Every day brings another opportunity.
How Can You Prepare For Medical Marijuana Right Now?
After you have let your representatives know how you feel about medical marijuana, give us a call!
Get a head start on North Carolina’s inevitable medical marijuana market and make sure you’re ready when it becomes operational! Reserve an evaluation online today, and we’ll book an appointment for you with one of our compassionate doctors just as soon as the state’s medical marijuana market is up and running!
You’ll meet with your new doctor virtually, using your smartphone, tablet, or computer for a telemedicine appointment. Together, you’ll discuss your qualifying conditions, if you’re eligible for a North Carolina Marijuana Card, and what medical marijuana might be able to do for you, all without even leaving your home! You’ll even save $25 off the cost of the evaluation!
Doctors Who Care.
Relief You Can Trust.
Helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce the stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at (833) 781-7320, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!